Change requires

One-off or ad hoc DEI trainings, webinars and seminars make no measurable impact – and often do more harm than good.

Equity + belonging is change work.

And meaningful, lasting change happens through intentional, long-term practice and repetition.


Over time, we’ve found that coaching is the learning modality that best helps individual leaders and leadership teams improve their emotional resilience, develop the muscles needed to interrupt exclusionary behaviors in real-time, and create inclusive organizational cultures where belonging is the norm.

Our coaching modalities include:

Emergency Coaching

90-min session

This option is for you if you’re looking for time-sensitive advice. You have a situation that has already occurred – or about to happen – and you need a rapid consultation.

Emergency sessions are unpredictable. Each scenario is different. Each person is different.And each client shows up with a unique permutation of lived experiences.

But here’s what to expect:

  • You get to unload
  • I help you slow down and focus on what is important to you
  • I help you ground an anchor
  • And we strategize…

Power Strategy

3-hour work session

In this option, we break down 1-2 key challenges relating to equity or belonging where you need support to workshop through these issues. You’ll walk away from a power session with clarity around each of your challenges – ready to activate your courage and put the learnings to work immediately. This is a 3-hour workshop that can be split into two 90-minute sessions.

Clients have used this session to talk through scenarios where they don’t know what to do or say, like:

  • Figuring out how to stop being a bystander
  • Identifying their purpose or goal for wanting to be an ally
  • Processing an equity principle that they disagree with

… and much more.

Inclusion & Emotional Resilience Coaching

3-month sprint

This option is best suited for leaders who understand the importance of building inclusive muscles – but need a coach to help them do the reps. 

This is for you if you’ve read the books and attended the trainings – but still feel stuck. Afraid to make mistakes. Unable to make inclusive decisions. 


  • 30-minute onboarding call
  • IDI assessments (IDI results, IDI Development plan, 90-minute intensive consultation)
  • Zarafa’s Inclusive Leadership Development Workbook
  • 2 hours of coaching per person, per month (30- or 60-min sessions)
Learn more about the IDI

If you’re a leader who wants to stay ahead of current and future challenges – and in front of your learning edge – then you cannot afford to lean into coaching only in emergencies.

This 3-month, 1:1 or group coaching sprint will help you get unstuck, activate your courage, and take impactful action.

WHAT IS Intercultural Development Inventory?

A developmental assessment tool that analyzes both perceived + actual inclusive leadership capacities.

IDI measures our approach to cultural differences + similarities and maps them on a framework known as the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC):

Zarafa interprets IDI’s results and provides a tailored development plan to help leaders
bridge the gap between good intentions and impact.

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